The Changemaker Instrument
A practical guide for educators to catalyze change.
What is it?
The Changemaker Instrument is a guide to enable educators to activate their empathy and agency to create change for the good of all. It’s a path to reignite the very aspects that led them to become educators in the first place: a desire to support children, to become the best people they can be, and to make things better than they are now.
How does it work?
We identified five changemaker dimensions that, when developed, empower lasting transformation and resilience: awareness, understanding, essence, belonging, and from there, contribution. These dimensions come to life through a set of prompts that are made available in accompanying worksheets.
What was our process?
Over the course of six-months, we spoke with dozens of leading social entrepreneurs, innovative educators, young changemakers, and visionaries from a wide variety of disciplines to learn about the ‘inner qualities’ that have helped them persevere in the face of overwhelming challenges.
The Instrument
We found that when an individual has cultivated the inner dimensions of awareness, understanding, essence, and belonging, the contribution they make in the world is sustainable, impactful, and becomes a source of thriving.
The changemaker instrument is designed to enable:
The mindset and skills to be flexible and thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Taking the first step toward solving complex problems, driving change, and activating potential.
Elevating confidence and clarity and giving credence to intrinsic power.
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